Guidance on return to paddling at Bewl Water
Following the Government's slight lifting of restrictions, Bewl Canoe Club (BCC) Committee has agreed some guidance based on those given by British Canoeing.
At this time, there are no planned club sessions, but paid members can paddle providing the following guidelines are followed:
Social Distancing:
Follow Bewl Water (BW) and Government Guidance.
Water Use:
Only paddle with BCC members of the same household or with one other BCC member.
Membership renewals are now open on website.
Only paddle if you are competent to do so and the reservoir conditions are safe to:
BCC accepts groups of 2 paddlers, with the following restrictions:
Both paddlers have 2*/Explorer award, completed FSRT training and can self-rescue. You can paddle the reservoir with wind speeds up to 12 mph.
One paddler has 2*/Explorer award and FSRT training, you can paddle the reservoir, limited to 50 metres of shore and wind speeds up to 12 mph.
‘Same Household’ groups need to follow the guidance above for 2 paddlers.
Solo Paddling is not recognised by Bewl Canoe Club and not allowed under BCC membership!
Considerate: be mindful of the potential impact that you could have on other water users and do not place unnecessary extra strain on the Bewl Rangers and emergency services.
Boat Sheds and Club boats:
Currently, we are limiting paddling to those who have their own boat and kit.
The Boat sheds will be locked, and club boats and kit cannot used. As we cannot guarantee the cleanliness of boats and paddles etc.
Private Boats: stored at Bewl
We advise the removal of your boat from the shed.
Your boats will be in the Long shed and you can ask the BCC secretary for the code.
If you decided to keep your boat in the Club shed, BCC cannot guarantee the cleanliness, so you are responsible for cleaning you own boat and avoid contact with other boats in the shed.
Boat storage fees need to be paid for, on renewing membership!
Bewl Water toilets and changing are open, but please follow BW social distancing and health & safety measures.
Travel to Bewl:
British Canoeing is strongly advising that we paddle locally. As no advice is given on the distance you can travel to get to the club, we are advising members to use their own discretion.
Membership renewals are now open on website.
Bewl Water will be provided with a list of all Paid BCC members.
Keep safe, stay alert and respect others.
Bewl Canoe Club